What is LIBCHAT?

LIBCHAT is a 30-minute virtual chat with the reference librarians of the College of Mass Communication Library. It supplements the regular library instruction / orientation of the CMC Library and aims to target specific services that students and faculty want to explore and learn more about. In this regard, we will offer one-on-one and group learning sessions, which may cover specific physical and online resources, services, policies, etc. 

LIBCHAT is real-time and enables you to get answers right there and then.

A few things to remember.

      You may choose among the following time slots. 


9:00 AM - 9:30 AM

10:00 - 10:30 AM

11:00 AM - 11:30 AM


1:00 PM -1:30 PM

2:00 PM - 2:30 PM

3:00 PM - 3:30 PM


Book an appointment with the CMC Librarians, Today!


LIBCHAT is your academic lifeline. It is a venue where you can ask for specialized library instruction and one-on-one or group sessions with your librarians. Each session is tailor-fit according to the research/reference questions sent by the requesting student/faculty.  

What LIBCHAT is not.

It is not a venue for making requests such as ROD, book borrowing or returning, use of AV film collection/viewing, etc. For such requests, you may fill in this form

A few things to keep in mind about LIBCHAT

Per our Reference Correspondence Policy, we can only answer questions about general information, simple searches and research of library materials, and access and use of electronic resources. Our librarians can also help with subject-specific questions. Our librarians will decline vague, ambiguous requests or those that may necessitate extensive research (compilation of various materials, searching over a long period of time, and/or access to other libraries). 

Similarly, we are not allowed to respond to queries that may be used to answer questions and win contests; compete; complete school or work assignments; and/or research family history, lineage, and heraldry. Also, requests for translations, figuring out who a person's parents are, finding missing people, or making a lot of copies are strongly discouraged.

Explore our services

To know more of our library services, click here

For more information, kindly message us on Messenger
