Brief Introduction


An academic library is considered the heart of an educational institution. It supports the academic programs and research of these learning centers. Libraries are established to acquire information resources and manage them to help equip their patrons with knowledge and to advance the well-being of the students, faculty, staff, and other researchers it serves.

At the UP College of Mass Communication Library (UP CMC Library), our goal is to actively pursue solutions to implement innovations and respond to the changing needs of its patrons. We are finding new ways of reconceptualizing and redefining the library physically and virtually. We strive to become adequately equipped with printed materials, online resources, and innovative technology facilities.

We will continue to provide our patrons with the needed resources and services to develop the skills and knowledge of the students, faculty, staff and other researchers using the UP CMC Library spaces, collection, and facilities. To support the changing needs of the new generation of information-seekers in the digital environment, the library staff at the UP CMC Library were retrained to acquire more advanced technical skills. This enables them to provide a high level of services to patrons to meet their information, research, and instructional needs. Staff was professionally trained in using computers and other electronic equipment to assist library users in their search for information in the digital age. There is a need to develop and sustain skilled, diverse, adaptable, and engaged staff to provide a better library service to our patrons.