
Extracurricular activities can give you the opportunity to explore your interests and find out what you're passionate about. This can mean getting involved in a pre-law student organizations, athletics, Greek Life, peer mentoring/tutoring, etc. Additionally, they can help you build a strong resume and stand out from the competition.

Benefits include:

Pre-Law Student Organizations

If you are a registered student organization on campus that focuses on law or cater to a population of pre-law students, but are not listed below, please provide us with your information at ppac@unlv.edu so we may list you as a resource.

Pre-Law Women of UNLV (PLW)

The Pre-Law Women of UNLV serves as a community of womxn pursuing a career in the legal profession. PLW offers support, career development, networking, and encouragement for all types of womxn looking to connect with other legal-minded womxn.

Website: https://involvementcenter.unlv.edu/organization/plw-unlv

Instagram: @unlv.plw

Phi Alpha Delta Pre-Law (PAD)

Phi Alpha Delta International Pre-Law Fraternity (PAD) is the only Pre-Law, co-ed Fraternity on campus. Our mission is to bond prospective law students with the principles of: integrity, compassion, courage, professionalism, and service to pursue a successful law career. We offer a diverse array of events throughout the semester that foster leadership, camaraderie, and academic success to all our members. 

Website: https://involvementcenter.unlv.edu/organization/pad

Instagram: @unlvphialphadelta

UNLV Criminal justice Mock Trial team

The Criminal Justice Mock Trial Team competes against other colleges in American Mock Trial Association tournaments. At a tournament, teams of attorneys and witnesses present criminal or civil cases. Trials are very similar to actual trials, where attorneys make opening and closing statements, question witnesses, and argue rules of evidence.

Website: https://involvementcenter.unlv.edu/organization/unlvmocktrial

Instagram: @unlvmocktrial

Political Science Club

The Political Science Club is a non-partisan student organization open to students of all majors. We strive to promote civic engagement amongst the student body by providing a safe space to educate students on opportunities, current events, and politics. 

Website: https://unlv.campuslabs.com/engage/organization/pscunlv

Instagram: @pscunlv

Undergraduate Law Review

The purpose of the UNLV Undergraduate Law Review is to convene a group of undergraduate students who are interested in writing and publishing research articles on salient legal issues/topics. The Undergraduate Law Review is open to any student, regardless of major, and provides an opportunity for any pre-law students to participate and learn more about legal writing.

Website: https://involvementcenter.unlv.edu/organization/ulr

Instagram: @unlvulawreview