
Marcello Fidaleo, PhD, PEng, is an Associate Professor in the Department for Innovation in Biological, Agro-Food and Forest Systems at the University of Tuscia, Italy. He holds an appointment as Teaching Fellow at BTEC of North Carolina State University, USA. He carried out research as a visiting scholar at the Biotechnology Institute of the University of Minnesota and as a Fulbright scholar at NC State’s Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. 


Ph.D. in Food Biotechnology, University of Tuscia, Italy, 2004

M.S. in Chemical Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, 2000 

Research interests

Dr Fidaleo is interested in the modeling of unit operations and processes in the field of chemistry, food and biotechnology by using statistical, deterministic and multiphysics models. His current research interests are in the following areas:


Dr. Fidaleo has taught courses in the field of applied statistics and unit operations at the University of Tuscia and at BTEC (NCSU, USA). Currently he teaches the following courses: