Hello, Team 6B! Welcome to Evans Junior High School and to 6th grade language arts. My name is Mrs. Janssen and I will be your mentor, guide, support & editor as we navigate our way through the writer’s workshop and the writing process this school year.

I’ve spent most of my teaching career in Unit 5 teaching junior high school students; mainly Literature & Composition and Language Arts. I have been a teacher at Evans since it opened up in 2011. The past 4 years I have been a literacy specialist at all of the four junior high schools. This year I am excited to be coming back to my love of teaching 6th graders!

Here’s a little bit more about me:

  • I grew up on the south side of Springfield, Illinois and went to Chatham Glenwood schools.

  • I was a competitive figure skater until I was in 8th grade.

  • I then competed in volleyball, basketball, and track & field.

  • I graduated from Illinois State University with my Bachelors and Masters’ degrees.

  • I have 3 children; Jacob 18, Chloe 16, and Sydney 14. Jacob’s off to college this year and my youngest Sydney went off to high school to be with her older sister Chloe.

  • I have 2 fur babies; Bogart Jazz (cat) 14 and Hogan (dog) 1.

Some of my favorite things:

Coffee, tea, chocolate, reading, movies, being outdoors, boating, long walks, golfing, watching sports, shopping, and spending time with my family.