AAF 2015



AAF 2023/2024

Sapienza Classics

On-Site Learning of Ancient History: Exploring Rome

II semester, 2 CFU

Prof. in charge: Prof. Angela Cinalli

The activity is an immersive experience of Roman antiquity throughout the main monuments and material remains that embody ancient Roman history and civilization. With the aim to acknowledge ancient Roman history and culture and its influence on later developments of the city by means of a dynamic experience, students will research and present in turn to their peers selected sites, monuments, and cultural artifacts in their proper contexts. Non-presenters will be called to participate with questions and further analysis on research targets. Such hands-on, heuristic and cooperative learning approach stands on active engagement and on the flipped classroom method, in order to challenge students at developing the ability to communicate effectively using crucial information and proper sources while researching their surroundings.

Preliminary meeting 09/04/2024 h. 13-14 Aula Chabod (III floor Facoltà)

I on-site visit - MUSEO DELL'ARTE CLASSICA, SAPIENZA + guided workshop 11/04/2024 h. 14-16

II on-site visit - CELIO + MUSEO DELLA FORMA URBIS (guided visit) 16/04/2024 16/04/2024 h.9.30-13

III on-site visit - FROM MARCELLUS THEATER TO PANTHEON + LARGO ARGENTINA AREA (guided visit) 23/04/2024 h. 9.30-13.

Note that, for insurance and administrative reasons, it is MANDATORY TO REGISTER in the Classroom for all the three on-sites visits and that there is a limited availability. Unregistered students will not be able to participate. In order to achieve the two credits, the 80% of attendance is requested. Classroom code: hpfvcm6.

Ancient Greek and Latin Laboratories

The laboratories aim at giving students support on the study of ancient Greek and Latin grammar through the correction of the assigned exercises and additional activities in order to achieve a good command of the languages and to give a good basis for the preparation and passing of the exams. They are intended for students of all levels.

The Laboratories, also available as AAF Apprenticeships (3 CFU Latin - 3 CFU Ancient Greek), are primarily aimed at first year students, but open to students enrolled in any year.

First year students are strongly encouraged to attend.

SECOND SEMESTER SCHEDULE (from the 8th April on)


Tuesday 8-10 aula vetri

Friday 8-10 aula Brelich (excluding the 26th April and the 7th June)

Wednesday 12-14 aula Brelich (starting from Wednesday 17th April and excluding the 19th June)

Online tutoring service: 

Every Thursday 8:30-10:30 (excluding the 25th April and the 16th May

Link:  https://meet.google.com/gky-rgnv-rjz (code gky-rgnv-rjz)

Tutor:  Benedetta Forti (forti.1844264@studenti.uniroma1.it)

Ancient Greek

Tuesday 10-12: Aula Frugoni

Thursday 14-16: Aula Frugoni (excluding the 13th June)

Online tutoring service:

Monday 10-12 

Wednesday 10-12

Link: https://meet.google.com/kmb-gjdp-srp

Tutor: Anna Donati (donati.2078902@studenti.uniroma1.it)


Starting Monday 9th October 2023

The laboratories aim at giving students support on the study of ancient Greek and Latin grammar through the correction of the assigned exercises and additional activities in order to achieve a good command of the languages and to give a good basis for the preparation and passing of the exams. They are intended for students of all levels.

The Laboratories, also available as AAF Apprenticeships (3 CFU Latin - 3 CFU Ancient Greek), are primarily aimed at first year students, but open to students enrolled in any year.

First year students are strongly encouraged to attend.


Monday 12.00 - 14.00 Aula B (Ciasca)

Friday 14.00 - 16.00 Aula Vetri

Ancient Greek

Wednesday 10.00 - 12.00 Aula I (SEAI) 

Friday 12.00 - 14.00 Aula Vetri

An online tutoring service is also available.

Tutors need to be made aware of the requests in advance by email at following address and in the specific times listed below:

Ancient Greek: donati.2078902@studenti.uniroma1.it (Anna Donati)

Latin: peirano.1989885@studenti.uniroma1.it (Facundo Peirano)

Timetable and links for online tutoring

Ancient Greek: Tuesdays h.10.00-12.00 at https://meet.google.com/tvq-mrpy-ejg 

Latin: Wednesday h. 10.00-12.00 at https://meet.google.com/nrk-rorb-axp

Reading in a Foreign Language

During this activity students will read academic papers in a language other than English and will then present them in English in recurring seminar meetings.

Semesters: first and second

CFU: 3 + 3

Time and place: starting from Monday 9th October at 18.00 in Aula E

Contact people: Prof. Silvia Orlandi and Prof. Adolfo La Rocca

Schedule for the second semester:

Monday 16-18 Aula F

Start: Monday 25th of March

Prof. in charge for the second semester: Prof. Silvia Orlandi

Etruscan Times Editorial Project

The workshop envisages collaboration in the editing of the online magazine Etruscan Times, an independent and free information site, constantly updated, which publishes online news, in Italian and English, on archaeological excavations in Etruscan and Italic sites, on the activities of Museums, Superintendencies, local authorities, Universities and Research Centres all over the world, on new discoveries, on experts; publications and on the recovery of looted and dispersed heritage. Edited by Alessandra Baldini and Arturo Zampaglione, two journalists with long experience, including international experience, it is a valuable tool for Etruscologists, scholars of pre -Roman Italy, archaeologists and enthusiasts of the subject. 

Semester: second

CFU: 1

Time and place: to be updated

Contact person: Prof. Alessandro Conti

Past activities (not available) - 2022-2023

Lectures on a selection of books 

To enrol please contact Prof. Silvia Orlandi (silvia.orlandi@uniroma1.it)

March 16th 5 p.m. (Rome time, 4 p.m. UK time)

Federico Santangelo presents A Community in Transition: Rome between Hannibal and the Gracchi, ed. by M. Balbo and F. Santangelo, Oxford 2022

March 23rd 5 p.m. (Rome time, 4 p.m. UK time)

Lewis Webb presents F. Rohr Vio, Powerful Matrons. New political actors in the Late Roman Republic, Zaragoza 2022

March 30th 9 a.m. (Rome time, 7 p.m. Canberra time)

Caillan Davenport presents his chapters in the book The Roman Emperor and his Court c. 30 BC – c. 300 AD, ed. by B. Kelly and A. Hug, Cambridge 2022

April 13th 5 p.m. (Rome time)

Riccardo Bertolazzi presents his book Septimius Severus and the Cities of the Empire, Faenza 2020

April 20th 6 p.m. (Rome time)

Julia Hillner presents her book Helena Augusta: Mother of the Empire, Oxford 2023

April 27th 5 p.m. (Rome time)

Michele Salzman presents her book The Falls of Rome: Crises, Resilience and Resurgence in Late Antiquity, Cambridge 2021

May 4th 5 p.m. (Rome time, 11 a.m. Eastern time) 

T. Corey Brennan presents his book The Fasces. A History of Ancient Rome’s Most Dangerous Political Symbol, Oxford 2022


Latin and ancient Greek Laboratory

Starting March 3rd 2023


Monday 17.00-19.00 in "Aula XXII" (from March 13th)

Friday 11.00-13.00 in "Auletta Archeologia"


Friday 17.00-19.00 in "Aula E"

Saturday 9.00-11.00 in "Aula E"

The courses aim at giving students support on the study of ancient Greek and Latin grammar through the correction of the assigned exercises and additional activities in order to achieve a good command of the language and to give a good basis for the preparation and passing of the exams. The course is intended for students of all levels.