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SIA- Advanced Space Propulsion Laboratory

SIA Advanced Space Propulsion Laboratory

The SIA Advanced Space Propulsion Laboratory is a newly established research centre for Aerospace propulsion and combustion at the School of Aerospace Engineering of the Sapienza University of Rome, Italy. The laboratory is headed by Professor Antonella Ingenito

The main objective of research in the SIA ASP Laboratory is to develop a better understanding of the fundamental combustion processes through comprehensive experimental and Numerical Simulations. The goal is to develop cutting edge research and technologies that can create a high impact in sustainable propulsive technologies to meet the future demands of in and outer space propulsive systems. The laboratory is working closely in line with the collaboration of leading Space agencies and industries and academic institutes. 


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                © Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma T (+39) 06 49911 CF 80209930587 PI 02133771002 - www.uniroma1.it