SIA ASPL, pleased to host Professor Olexiy Shynkarenko from Universidade de Brasília as part of the "International Agreements" program at Scuola di Ingegneria Aerospaziale - Sapienza Università di Roma, aimed at promoting academic cooperation in educational and scientific fields and establishing collaborative programs with our students. We are confident that this collaboration will lead to technological and scientific advancements in the field of innovative aerospace propulsion...!

Professor. Ingenito serve as chair of two sessions at the High Speed Vehicle Science and Technology, held in Busan - South Korea.

Prof. Ingenito, also presented four papers on behalf of the SIA ASPL lab and 1 co-author paper.

SIA ASPL organised "Space technologies addressing research transfer into nowadays generations" to the public and Italian high school students with an aim to promote Science and Technology. During the event general publish Visited  to the laboratories of the School of Aerospace Engineering and activites, exhibition, physics games were carried out. 

Dr. Roberto Capua, Head of Innovation at Sogei visted SIA-ASPL and GAUSS Srl.

Photo with GAUSS CEO Prof. Filippo Graziani (second from left), prof. Ingenito, Dr. Mahottamananda and other colleagues.

*For copyright reason the background is trimmed

Our student Mr. Navaid Ali received laureati eccellenti (excellent graduate award) at Aula Magna in the rector's office of the Sapienza Università di Roma. 

Mr. Navaid is on the left side, with Prof. Celani (centre) and other colleague. 


Dr. Sri Nithya Mahottamananda [From right, Second] assistant professor at B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, visited our lab for one month.

During this stay, He shared his expertise and knowledge in the Hybrid Rocket Engine to the SIA Propulsion group. 

Two of our students Mr. Sasi Kiran PALATEERDHAM and Mr. Relangi Naresh received laureati eccellenti (excellent graduate award ) on 21st Feb 2021 at Aula Magna in the rector's office of the Sapienza Università di Roma.

They are among the 400 excellent graduate students, out of about 18 thousand graduates in the academic year 2019/20 and 2020/2021 from 54 departments ( that are under 11 faculties and one Aerospace School).


Students of the SIA ASPC lab of the School of Aerospace Engineering are among the winners of the 1st Edition of the MORE&LESS Academy

The team of students of the Sapienza School of Aerospace Engineering, HySIA-2021, wins the European competition MORE & LESS (MDO and Regulations for Low-boom and Environmentally Sustainable Supersonic aviation) with the SHAR project, “DESIGN OF SUPERSONIC AND HYBRID ENGINE BASED ADVANCED ROCKET ". 

The MOREandLESS Academy, funded by the EU H2020, aims to study, through a holistic and multidisciplinary process, the entire supersonic speed regime and aircraft configurations, propulsion technologies and the most promising alternative fuels.  MOREandLESS organizes competitions between groups of European students and researchers in order to assess how the enabling technologies of supersonic aircraft, their trajectories and their operation comply with environmental requirements.

Students Naresh, Caio, Amalia, Phaneendra and Júlia will present their project at the 11th EASN International Conference virtually

The team of the School of Aerospace Engineering obtained the highest score by presenting the project for an innovative launcher for placing a 100 kg payload at a height of 200 kg. The launcher consists of a solid booster as the first stage, an axisymmetric scramjet engine as the second stage and a hybrid engine for the third stage. Congratulations on the innovative idea, commitment and skills.