Trey Everett

Artist Bio:

Trey Everett is a Visual Arts major from Norfolk, Virginia. He first picked up a camera during his senior year of high school but didn’t pursue it seriously until he got to college. While in college, he picked up various other artistic mediums, but none have stuck with him more than sculpture and photography (with photo being the more prevalent of the two). Once he graduates he’ll be heading back home to pursue photography full-time as well as possibly welding later on.

Artist Statement:

I have decided to name this project, “Across the Street”. This has been a project that I have been thinking about for about two years. I started to notice the stark differences between Union College and the surrounding area, so I decided to walk around the area, taking photos of what I thought defined a “side” across from Union. Each side seemed to have its own personality and look. There is a wealth disparity between Union and the surrounding area, and doing this project only heightened my awareness of this issue. One day, I hope Union can give back to the community that it has essentially been placed into the middle of, but only time will tell.