Michelle Moina

Artist Bio:

Michelle Moina-Solano is an ID Psychology and Studio Fine Arts major with a minor in Film Studies. She is an Ecuadorian-American from New York City who gained the love for art from her everyday life as a New Yorker. She wishes to make her art both impactful and resourceful. For this reason her art concentration is in ceramics and metal work.

Artist Statement:

Educational art is an effective way to present information that may best be received from a subjective point of view. Growing up in a household where death, a touchy subject, was openly discussed, Michelle understood how fear of death could live in the absence of conversations and discussions on said topic. Therefore, she set out to understand how ignoring death became an accepted reaction to the topic and how it could be modified so that death was feared less and understood more. From a two-term literature review on death in the United States, Michelle concluded that art may be an excellent way to discuss and conversate about death. This art installation is meant to provide information and provoke one to think more about death and create a formative and introspective opinion on it.