Gavin Bibbins

Artist Bio:

Gavin Bibbins is a Visual Arts Asian Studies Interdepartmental Major and Psychology Minor from Medford Massachusetts. Throughout his study at Union he has drawn inspiration from philosophy, religion, psychology, language and a host of other domains he has encountered in his studies. Gavin primarily works in digital mediums while also exploring connections with physical mediums like printmaking and sculpture.

Artist Statement:

“An ancient Buddha said ‘Mountains are mountains, waters are waters. These words do not mean mountains are mountains; they mean mountains are mountains,” - Dogen

This was the sentiment I wished to express with my work and like any good Zen master would say I cannot teach you this, you must experience it.

I invite any viewer to look at my work and think about what it means through their own subjective experience as an artist. I cannot endow my own reality of my art upon anyone any more than they can on me. All I ask is that, when you look at what I have made, you recognize your role in the piece as part of it like in every piece of art.