Sam Kelley

Artist Bio:

Samantha Kelley is from Burnt Hills, NY, and is majoring in both studio arts and psychology at Union College. For her thesis, she has been focusing on using 3D computer modeling to create scenes and animations based on the psychological impact the last two years has had on many people. After graduation, she plans to continue working with 3D modeling and eventually work in game development.

Artist Statement:

Mental health and art are two subjects that are very closely knit together, whether by an artist choosing to produce art that brings attention to topics within mental health or by seeing how mental health has impacted an artist through the products they have created. For my thesis, I wanted to highlight the topic of mental health, and the mental health crisis that has arisen as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. I wanted to find a way to represent some of the feelings that many people have had to deal with over the last two years, including anxiety, isolation, or fatigue to name a few. To do this, I decided to create a set of scenes meant to represent some of the experiences people may have had using surreal imagery and animation to represent some of the discomfort many have experienced.