On July 20, 2023, Michela Palumbo, a graduate student at the University of Foggia, completed her thesis defense for the Doctorate program on “Management of Innovation in Agriculture and Food Systems of the Mediterranean Region” (Cycle XXXV). Her work on “COMPUTER VISION SYSTEM FOR NON-DESTRUCTIVE AND CONTACTLESS EVALUATION OF QUALITY TRAITS IN FRESH ROCKET LEAVES (Diplotaxis tenuifolia L.)” was presented in front of the Committee members including Prof. Roberto Romaniello of the University of Foggia, Prof. Roberto Beghi of the University of Milano, and Prof. Michele Mattetti of the University of Bologna. Michela’s thesis was part of the Project SUS&LOW (MIUR PRIN 2018) and was tutored by Project coordinator Prof. Giancarlo Colelli (Postharvest UniFG), Dr. Mariamary Cefola (ISPA CNR), and Dr. Giovanni Attolico (STIIMA CNR).

Desinged by Hassan Fazayeli