For more information on Agrofood Research Hub click here

Agrofood Research Hub is a multidisciplinary research group that works to promote sustainable production in agriculture, environmental health and socio-economic enhancement of the agri-food sector.

In particular, the Platform of Dynamics and Quality of Ecosystems aims at developing and applying scientific approaches to the study of the (positive and/or negative) impacts of organisms on human health and economy.

The Platform is equipped with a set of tools allowing data analysis and predictions (through the use of mathematical and statistical models) to provide relevant information for the design and the implementation of effective and sustainable strategies for the management of organisms of economic importance (e.g., plant pests), of environmental importance (e.g., pollinators) and of importance for human and animal health (e.g., vectors of disease).

For more information on DAFNAE click here

The Department of Agronomy, Animals, Food, Natural Resources and Environment (DAFNAE), of the University of Padua has been recognised by ANVUR as a department of excellence at national level.

The DAFNAE research group on entomology is actively involved in studies regarding the ecology and control of insects of agricultural and forestry relevance. The research group includes professors, researchers and technicians, helped in the field and laboratory tests by a large group of doctoral and post-doc students as well as many undergraduate students. Since the 1960s, studies have focused on the ecology and biology of harmful insects in agro-forest environments and their natural enemies, on plant-insect relationships, on morphological and molecular systematics, and on the population dynamics of both native and exotic species.

For more information on Assofloro Lombardia click here

Assofloro is the only association with national representation for the floriculture and the landscape sector. It is the category association of operators working for the management of the public green, the landscape and the environment. The activities carried out by the Association interest the national territory and the European Union.

Among the main objectives of the Association are the promotion of research and studies for addressing specific problems or needs of the sector, the elaboration of agreements on technical assistance and training, the signing of institutional agreements to facilitate the work of the companies, the construction - together with the phytosanitary bodies - of guidelines for the management of the productive process and the problems inherent to diseases and external agents concerning plants and their movement inside and outside the country. Assofloro interacts with institutions at various levels, provincial, regional and national, to obtain rules, amendments and recognitions of legal value for the sector. Assofloro is made up of national and provincial associations and directly aggregated companies, thus representing over 900 companies throughout the national territory.