Estimating population abundance and growth

Estimation of the adult population abundance of Popillia japonica

We designed a procedure for deriving meaningful parameters to characterise the population growth of Popillia japonica. These parameters were derived from adult trap catch data collected by the Phytosanitary Service of the Lombardy Region between 2015 and 2021. The Regional Phytosanitary Service has overlaid a hexagonal grid onto the infested area to track the movement and expansion of the pest. Each hexagon, referred to as a "cell", covers an area of 5.42 square kilometers and serves as the fundamental spatial unit in our research. The whole cell was considered infested if at least one individual was detected in it during the monitoring activities. The adult population abundance was monitored during the species' flight period using traps baited with a combination of a floral attractant and a synthetic pheromone lure (specifically, Japonilure pheromone along with a blend of 3:7:3 phenyl propionate, eugenol, and geraniol). The traps were Trécé traps from USDA-APHIS.

We developed and applied an ad-hoc estimation procedure based on fitting a continuous function on trap catch data. This method was structured around five key steps:

Estimation of the parameters for modelling Popillia japonica population growth: intrinsic growth rate and carrying capacity

We examined the adult population's growth in relation to the age of infestation. Age-specific abundance was defined as the average daily trap catches calculated over the entire flight period in cells with the same age of infestation. Since the year of the species' entry and establishment in Italy remains unknown, we excluded cells that became infested during the first year of monitoring (i.e., in 2015), as it was not possible to know the year of the initial infestation (i.e., when the presence of P. japonica was first confirmed in the cell). We determined the age of infestation for every infested cell by subtracting the year of the initial infestation from the sampling year and then adding 1. This calculation can yield a range between 1 (when the sampled cell was first identified as infested during the same year as the sampling) and 6 (in cases where a cell first became infested in 2016 and was subsequently sampled in 2021). To depict the growth pattern of P. japonica, we relied on changes in the mean daily adult abundance across different infestation ages in all the infested cells. The population growth of P. japonica is described by the discrete-time Beverton-Holt model (Liang et al. 2016) 

where N(t) and N(t+1) are the number of adults at time t and at time t+1 respectively, and K is the carrying capacity. We estimated the intrinsic population growth rate (r_0) by minimising the squared distance between the calculated and the observed averaged infestation age-specific adult population abundance. The minimisation procedure was carried out using the lsqcurvefit in MATLAB (version R2021b).

The resulting curves displayed a pronounced upward trajectory as the infestation age increased. An exponential pattern in population growth became evident when examining the average daily adult population abundance per trap across various infestation ages, ranging from 11 adults/trap/day in the initial year of infestation to 198 adults/trap/day in the fifth year of infestation. The average adult population abundance in the fifth year of infestation, which reached 198 adults/trap/day, does not necessarily reflect the maximum potential adult catches (representing the carrying capacity, K). In fact, during the fourth and fifth years of infestation, higher population abundances were observed in certain specific locations. Under the assumption that 198 individuals represent 85% of K, we calculated the value of K as follows: K = 198 / 0.85 = 233 adults/trap/day. We standardised the age-specific average adult population abundance data with respect to K, and subsequently applied the Beverton-Holt function to these normalised adult abundance values. By minimising the difference between observations and calculated values, we determined a population growth rate r_0=2.7023.


Liang, L., Li, X., Huang, Y., Qin, Y. and Huang, H., 2017. Integrating remote sensing, GIS and dynamic models for landscape-level simulation of forest insect disturbance. Ecological Modelling, 354, pp.1–10.

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