
Scientific article: “ Exploring the main factors influencing habitat preference of Popillia japonica in an area of recent introduction"

Simonetto A., Sperandio G., Battisti A., Mori N., Ciampitti M., Cavagna B., Bianchi A., Gilioli G.

Published in: Ecological Informatics, (2022)

To read the abstract, click here.

Scientific article: “ Invasion of Popillia japonica in urban forest habitats of Northern Italy"

Santoiemma, G., Simonetto, A., Sperandio, G., Gilioli, G., Mori, N., Battisti, B.

Published in: IUFRO - Conference Division 7 - Forest Health Pathology and Entomology

To read the abstract, click here.

Scientific article: “ Invasion of Popillia japonica in Lombardy, Italy: Interactions with soil entomopathogenic nematodes and native grubs"

Glazer I., Santoiemma G., Battisti A., De Luca F., Fanelli E., Troccoli A., Tarasco E., Sacchi S., Bianchi A., Gilioli G., Gherardo P., Mori N.

Published in: Agricultural and Forest Entomology, (2022)

To read the abstract, click qui.

Scientific article: “Chemical control of Popillia japonica adults on high-value crops and landscape plants of northern Italy”

Santoiemma, G., Battisti, A., Gusella, G., Cortese, G., Tosi, L., Gilioli, G., Sperandio, G., Ciampitti, M., Cavagna, B., Mori, N.

Published in Crop Protection, Volume 150, December 2021.

To read the abstract, click here.

Abstract: "Impact of the invasion of Popillia japonica on the community of soil entomopathogenic nematodes and native white grubs in Italy"

Santoiemma, G., Glazer, I., Sperandio, G., Simonetto, A., Gilioli, G., Bianchi, A., Sacchi, S., Mori, N., Battisti, A.

12° Annual Meeting: European Phd Network "Insect Science"- 19th november 2021

To read the abstract, click here.

Scientific article: “Management of Popillia japonica in container-grown nursery stock in Italy.

Mori, N., Santoiemma, G., Glazer, I. Gilioli, G., Ciampitti, M., Cavagna, B., Battisti, A.

Published in Phytoparasitica, (2021)

Scientific article: “Modelling diapause and phenology of the Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica

Gilioli G., Sperandio G., Simonetto A. , Colturato M., Battisti A., Mori N., Ciampitti, M.; Cavagna, B.; Bianchi, A.; Gervasio P.

Published in Journal of Pest Science, (2021).

Abstract: Chemical control of Popillia japonica in the management of invasive populations in northern Italy

11° Annual Meeting: European Phd Network "Insect Science"- November 30- December 4, 2020

To read the abstract, click here.

Scientific article: La ricerca su Popillia japonica Newman in Italia / The research on Popillia japonica Newman in Italy

Entomata - Newsletter of the Italian Entomologic Society - N. 9- June 22, 2019

To read the article (in Italian), click here

Abstract: Towards the development of new methods for the rational control and management of Popillia japonica

10° Annual Meeting: European Phd Network "Insect Science"- December 4-6, 2019

To read the abstract, click here.

Article: “Gestione integrata di Popillia japonica nel nord Italia”. (“Integrated management of Popillia japonica in northern Italy”)

Published in ARBOR (journal of ornamental arboriculture;) - August issue