Tuesday 6/7

10am - 11:00am

Opening Keynote: X Marks the Spot: Exploring the Intersection of Ideation and Implementation

Presenter: Dr. Judith Lewandowski, Vice Provost of Adult Teaching and Learning at Purdue Global

Description: Things are changing rapidly in the field of higher education. As new ideas and innovations arise, it can be difficult to consider how to move from the state of ideation into implementation. How can faculty and learning designers capture the excitement of brainstorming as they step into the pragmatics of implementation? Our conversation today will provide a pathway for an end-to-end innovation pipeline by infusing innovation into practical applications through the use of an innovation framework. Innovation frameworks offer organizations a way to effectively vet ideas, evaluate the pros and cons of each, and make educated decisions about how to proceed. We'll apply this business principle to the classroom. In this session, participants will be able to evaluate a framework for considering how to move new innovations from ideation to implementation.

12pm - 12:50pm

Hear it From Them: An Online Student Panel

Hear It from Them: An Online Student Panel



In this panel, four recent graduates and alumni from UNCP will share their experiences, challenges, success stories, and insights regarding taking online classes and being an online learner. Participants will get a chance to ask questions and engage in discussions regarding how online learning can be more effective and meaningful for students.

1pm - 2:50pm - Concurrent Sessions

Session A

Designing Your Project-based Learning Course

Presenter: Dr. Alicia Johnson, Visiting Assistant Professor, Virginia Tech

Description: Project Based Learning (PBL) is an instructional strategy that helps facilitate experiential learning opportunities. PBL has been shown to impact student learning as well as enhance creativity, collaboration, communication, and critical thinking skills. Although it can transform courses into memorable and transferable experiences for students, there is some front-end planning that will help to make implementing project-based learning a smoother process.

Learning Objectives:

Participants will be able to:

  • Align their course goals with a project-based learning plan.

  • Design a project-based learning plan for a new or existing course.

Session B

Online Learning 101

Presenter: Dr. Chuck Hodell

Description: Getting started with online learning is never an easy or intuitive process. It requires that you let go of some of the approaches that may have worked in an analog learning environment but fall flat in the digital world. In this two-hour session we will be discussing ways to make this transition easier and hopefully fun. There is a brave new world of eLearning course design that everyone can master with a little help. Bring a project, questions and a new attitude and we will work through this together.

Learning Objectives:

Participants will be able to:

  • Apply instructional design principles to the design of an online course

  • Discuss best practices and strategies in instructional design and online learning

3pm - 4:50pm - Concurrent Sessions

Session A

Applying Microlearning with Camtasia

Presenter: Terry Locklear MS, Senior Instructional Designer, Office of Online Learning, UNC Pembroke


"There is only one way to eat an elephant: one bite at a time."

- Desmond Tutu

For students to digest complex concepts, faculty members need to have the ability to break them down into bite-size pieces. In instructional design, this strategy is often called microlearning.

We will create microlearning activities during this session by utilizing tools within the Camtasia software application.

Participants will get a free Camtasia license and will be part of our users' community.

Learning Objectives:

Participants will be able to:

  • Identify content suitable for microlearning

  • Create microlearning activities using Camtasia

Session B

Harnessing Case-based Learning

Presenter: Ashley Bunn, Project Manager, and Senior Instructional Systems Designer, ManTech

Description: As learning professionals, one of the greatest challenges we face is creating new and engaging ways to cultivate learning in our students. Oftentimes, we create entire worlds for the purpose of communicating a topic or lesson. For man, experiential learning is the way to go, but how can we harness it appropriately? What’s necessary to ensure our learners are not only immersed in the world we’re creating, but also they’re taking with them the knowledge that will help them excel? Cased–based learning is the answer. Through case-based learning, you have the opportunity to increase learner retention, enhance the educational experience and provide unique, guided learning experiences that are ultimately driven by your students! In this engaging workshop, participants will be taken through the benefits of experiential learning and will have key tools to help them develop their own cased based learning workshops and lesson plans.

Learning Objectives:

Participants will be able to:

  • Identify the values of experiential learning

  • Identify common pitfalls of case-based learning

  • Develop three unique cased based learning centered exercises