Who is Wendy?

Looking to put forth my innovation and creativity in any project given.

As a first generation Mexican-American soon to be the first college graduate in her family, Wendy Sandoval is heavily influenced by her experience growing up in a dual culture. In her work, she explores using clothing as a canvas to convey the machismo and sexist gender roles she experienced from both sides. She firmly believes clothing does not have gender attached to it. Through her work, she feels the emotions, reads a storyline, and captures a moment from each step of the process. As a quiet and reserved person, Wendy’s voice is loudest in her designs - her creations speak volumes.

More About Wendy...

I began my studies in September 2017 and currently attending my final semester of college. I Will obtain my Bachelors of Science in Apparel Design in May 2021.

I have experience using Photoshop, Illustrator, and hand-drawn illustration with media such as watercolor, colored pencils, and markers. Experience with software like CLO and Optitex.

While I prefer to work independently, I also thrive working with a partner or team. My desired working environment is a private open space.

I fancy a mix of steady work with some freelance projects. I am comfortable to live and work wherever calls me. Whether it be within the boundaries of the United States or overseas to a foreign land.

My inspiration exclusively comes from fine art, music, personal culture of being a Mexican American first generation, travel, and nature.

As a designer, I want to push the boundaries set by the unspoken rules in the fashion world.