Career Vital Signs: A Student Affairs Career Development Newsletter

December 8, 2022. Volume 4, Issue 2

As we are wrapping up the end of Fall semester, this is a time to reflect and set the stage for the upcoming spring and summer. Take a look at further comprehensive resources we have been creating: a cross-campus operational and opportunities calendar (the more we all use it, the stronger it becomes!) and year-specific checklist guides to career and professional development which consolidate and link your resources (see below).

Be sure to take time during the winter break and holidays for wellness and to recharge.

If you are interested in contributing content for future editions of Vital Signs, please contact me directly at For those of you active in the Houses, you can log your career development engagement within the LiveSchool app to gain house points.


Megan Bauer-Erickson

Why medicine?

You have been in a flurry of learning this Fall. Deep in classes and clinical experiences; thinking about next steps. Take a moment to reconnect with why you are motivated to be in the field of medicine.

This can also be a time to think of the ways in which you can positively impact the people and communities around you. Whether big or small, our collective effort is shaping the world in which we wish to live and work. Watch Dr. Núñez, Dr. Warlick, and Dr. Mustafa as they share some of their own thoughts and actions on impacting DEI within medicine DEI in Medicine Careers Panel: Stories and Perspectives.

What can I be doing now?

Look below for class-specific suggestions on ways to navigate your career and professional development.

Whether you have a clear idea of your career path ahead or are open to many options, continuing to connect with who you are, how you operate and the ways you can sculpt your working environment sets a strong foundation for navigating your career. Look into your web resources: UMN Career and Professional Development and Careers in Medicine. Winter break is a perfect time to review the Understanding Yourself and Explore Options content sections.

  • Explore your options through your network and brush up on Informational Interviewing skills in our workshop (RSVPs: 2/17 TC, 3/6 Du)

  • As you are continuing to experience a variety of clinical environments in your clerkships, now is a great time to explore (or revisit) the Choose your Specialty section in Careers in Medicine and to reflect on each of your clinical experiences (helpful template "Clinical Rotation Evaluation").

  • If you are struggling with choosing between a few different specialties, it can be helpful to take the Specialty Indecision Scale (SiS) to help pinpoint the reasons behind the challenge and identify action steps to help with the process.

  • Consider doing some informational interviews over break to make connections and learn more about specialties you are interested in pursuing. This article in CiM explains the benefits of this activity and how to go about contacting potential people to interview for an effective experience. Our alumni contact list can be a great place to start.

  • In preparation for residency applications you can read A Very Short Guide to the Match and use your token (in your email) to register with ERAS. If you need it resent, ask us at .

  • Be proactive with acquiring Letters of Recommendation for your residency application. Review the LoR - Preparing for Residency Application Success slides for information and strategies.


  • Interview season is in full swing. If you need to find a place to have your virtual interview that is distraction free, check out the Interview Spaces.

  • Take our Residency Interview survey to help us collect accurate data/feedback on your interview experiences.

  • Careers in Medicine - Prepare for Residency is still a resource during residency interviews and as you are starting to think about rank order lists. Check out the articles and other information.

  • If you have any concerns about your interviews and the match process in general, reach out to your Faculty Advisor.

  • Remember to register with the NRMP if you have not already done so. You must be registered in order to participate in the Main Residency Match.