UMN Vital Signs: A Career Development Newsletter

December 8, 2020. Volume 2, Issue 2

Welcome to the December Edition of Vital Signs! As we are wrapping up the end of Fall semester, this is a time to reflect on the many successes and challenges that have been faced this fall. The continuing impact of COVID-19 presents challenges and opportunities. Be sure to take time during the winter break and holidays for wellness and to recharge.

If you are interested in contributing content for future editions of Vital Signs, please contact me directly at .

Take care, and be well!


Maija Braaten

Student Career Development Spotlight: Summer Internship in Pathology

The summer between MS-1 and MS-2 year is filled with many possibilities. Interested in gaining some insight on a potential career development activity? Read about Twin Cities MS-2 Jesse Smith's experience in the Summer Internship in Pathology program here at the U! Access the complete article here.

What can I be doing now?

Class-specific suggestions for ways to support career and professional development.


  • If you have not already done so, be sure to check out the TC Careers in Medicine Overview video or Duluth Careers in Medicine Overview video and activate your account to begin accessing this incredible resource. Winter break is a perfect time to begin reviewing the Understanding Yourself and Explore Options content sections.

  • Twin Cities Students: Be sure to complete the MSPI self assessment before your January Faculty Advisor group meeting. You can do this at any time, over Winter Break is recommended. The video of the presentation shows you exactly how to access the assessment in the CiM platform. Also, remember to check Canvas for your meeting specifics.

  • Make plans to attend the Exploring Options: Alumni Networking Workshop on February 12th from 12:15-1:10 p.m. The workshop will briefly review useful information and tools within Careers in Medicine and will be an opportunity to directly connect with UMN Alumni from a wide variety of specialties to discuss networking strategies and tips. Watch your email for more information and to submit your questions in advance. See you there!


  • During Winter Break is a great time to continue researching specialties and doing comparisons of your top choices. Check out the Explore Options bucket in Careers in Medicine and consider doing the Compare Specialties activity.

  • Twin Cities Students: Check Canvas for your Group Faculty Advising Meeting to review and discuss MS-3 clinical scheduling and other topics of interest.

  • Make plans to attend the Exploring Options: Alumni Networking Workshop on February 12th from 12:15-1:10 p.m. The workshop will briefly review useful information and tools within Careers in Medicine and will be an opportunity to directly connect with UMN Alumni from a wide variety of specialties to discuss networking strategies/tips. Watch your email for more information and to submit your questions in advance. See you there!


  • As you are returning to the clinical environment, now is a great time to explore (or revisit) the Choose your Specialty section in Careers in Medicine. Login using your AMCAS credentials or contact Maija Braaten at if you need help accessing it.

  • If you are struggling with choosing between a few different specialties, it can be helpful to take the Specialty Indecision Scale (SiS) in the Assessments Dashboard to help pinpoint the reasons behind the challenge and identify action steps to help with the process.

  • Consider doing some informational interviews over break to make connections and learn more about specialties you are interested in pursuing. This article in CiM explains the benefits of this activity and how to go about contacting potential people to interview for an effective experience. Our alumni contact list can be a great place to start.

  • As we are starting to get closer to residency application season, go ahead and register with ERAS and register your token. If you can't find your token or need to have it resent, send an email to . Also, you can get familiar with A Very Short Guide to the Match.


  • Interview season is in full swing. If you need to find a place to have your virtual interview that is distraction free, check out the Interview Spaces. Info on available spaces on campus (TC and DU), in the med school, and off campus options. We will add to this doc as we learn about more . You can add to it also! Know of a good place? Add it using the form linked to the top of the doc.

  • If you have not already done so, please take a few minutes to complete the Class of 2021 Residency Interview Survey to help us collect accurate data/feedback on your experiences. We need everyone to complete it, especially during this very unusual interview season. Thank you for helping us best support you!

  • Don’t forget about Careers in Medicine as a resource during residency interviews and as you are starting to think about rank order lists. Check out the articles and other information in the Prepare for Residency content on the website.

  • If you have any concerns about your interviews and the match process in general, reach out to your Faculty Advisor.

  • Remember to register with the NRMP if you have not already done so. You must be registered in order to participate in the Main Residency Match.