Research Poster Template Links

UMN Website Branded Templates

Google Drive Templates

Fairview Logos

Poster Printing - feel free to have them delivered to the peded office if you need it for PRESS. 

You may also have your poster delivered to M136, 1st Floor, East Building at UMMCH (2450 Riverside Ave., 55454). 

Team UMNPosters

Procedure Logging

For a complete walkthrough on how to log your procedures, be sure to follow this link.

Library resources

Follow this link for more information on the library resources offered by the UofM.

Residents and fellows are covered by malpractice insurance (professional liability) while they are participating in clinical, research, and/or educational rotations fulfilling the requirements of their program.  Note activities such as moonlighting and volunteer work require independent professional liability coverage (UMN malpractice does NOT cover).  Refer to Medical Malpractice Credentialing / Insurance Verification for specifics of the policy, as well as procedures for obtaining a certificate of insurance, requesting liability credentialing, requesting malpractice claims history, etc 

Pediatric Education Office 

Amy Gaug

Senior Pediatric Residency Program Administrator


Alex Sandberg

Residency Program Administrator


Jack Schoephoerster

Residency Program Administrator