Resident Evaluation of Faculty at UMMCH

Here is the link to evaluate Pediatric Faculty at UMMCH. 

We are working with the GME office to evaluate faculty across the department this year. You should be evaluating the faculty you work with at UMMCH here. 

Faculty/Division List

360 Evaluation Information - Multi-Source Feedback

The codes to your evaluations can be found within your personal folder within the Evaluation Links & QR Code subfolder. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Jack at (scho0948@umn.edu) and/or Dr. Johannah Scheurer (krueg080@umn.edu). You should be doing these weekly when at UMMCH on NICU, PICU, ED, Orange, Red, Blue, Yellow, Purple & Violet. 

MSF Tool Background and Usage

MSF Tool Codes, Links, and Reports

Advice for Collecting Multisource Feedback

Rotation and Peer Evaluations in New Innovations 

These are assigned to you after each block in New Innovations. 

RMS Peer & Rotation Evaluations

EPA Evaluations

You have access to these in New Innovations. You can have faculty fill them out on the spot. We are working towards these also being assigned to your QR code that you can pull up in real time. Information coming soon!