Systems Alignment to Optimize Health Services for Youth Experiencing Homelessness

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's Systems for Action


The Youth Health and Housing Lab has been awarded the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Systems for Action grant for 2023 to engage an existing multi-sector consortium to develop, implement and assess the feasibility of an integrated system of healthcare and public health programming for youth experiencing homelessness (YEH) in and around Hennepin County, Minnesota. The title of our project is Systems Alignment to Optimize Health Services for Youth Experiencing Homelessness. This project builds on the findings from our Optimizing Health Services for Youth Experiencing Homelessness project.

Project Aims

What Did We Learn About How to Improve Health Services for Youth Expericing Homelessness?

After many interviews, focus groups, and multi sector consortium meetings, our team developed a four strategy systems alignment plan to optimizing health services for youth experiencing homelessness, with equitable data systems as its own aim that runs throughout each of the other four systems alignment aims. Our strategies include:

Once we finalized our systems alignment plan, we began developing, piloting and implementing each of the aims. Check out Youth Health Connect here

More information about our work on the other aims will be added soon, as we finish our evaluation of the project.

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