Current Team Members

Janna Gewirtz O'Brien, MD, MPH, FAAP

Project Lead and Principal Investigator, Youth Health and Housing Lab

More about Janna

Meghan Ford, MPH

Youth Health and Housing Lab Program Manager

Alexis Chan

Medical Student Research Assistant

André Robinson 

Public Health Student Research Assistant

Casey Hokanson

Medical Student Research Assistant

Gagandeep Singh

UMN Pediatric Resident

Samantha LeBouef

Postdoctoral Fellow

Wren Krahl

Medical Student Research Assistant

Zeinab Mohamud

Lead Research Assistant

Interested in Joining?

Students are welcome and encouraged to reach out with interest. If you are interested in engaging in the Youth Health and Housing Lab you can email Janna Gewirtz O'Brien at gewir007@umn.edu with a statement of interest and resume or CV

Read Our Team's Equity and Positionality Statement Here

Past Team Members

Ingie Osman

Project Director

Youth COVID-19 Vaccine Project 

Chris Mehus

Project Co-Investigator

Carson Crane

NRS Project Manager

Greta Prokosch

Medical Student Research Assistant

Brandon Balma

Research Assistant; NRS Project Assistant; Project Manager, EMPOWER

Katherine Pierson

Communications Manager, Youth COVID-19 Vaccine Project 

Renee Sieving

Principal Investigator, Prevention Research Center

Lauren Vasilakos

Medical Student Research Assistant

Claudia LaRose

Medical Student Research Assistant

Asha Elgonda

Former Graduate Student Intern

Gabby Bell

Former NRS Project Assistant

Michelle Crandall

Public Health Student Research Assistant

Emma McGrew

Project Manager, RWJF Systems for Action Project

Hadija Steen Mills

Former Graduate Research Assistant

Wendy Sun

UMN Pediatric Resident

Ly Baumgardt

Project Assistant, RWJF Systems for Action 

Annie Lemieux

Project Manager, RWJF Systems for Action Project