Military & Veteran Students: Exploring

Reflect, Research and Engage

This is your time to explore and see what you can be.  Moving through this module will help you:

STEP 1:  Reflect on past military, work and volunteer experiences and projects

Start by writing down what you know.  Create a career grounding document to name your working style and activities that use your strengths and skills. This reflection will be helpful for subsequent steps; complete it thoughtfully. 

WATCH: Design Your Life Video This video recap of Bill Burnett & Dave Evans’ book Designing Your Life includes some exercises to help you identify energizing work and think about how to build a career on those activities. 

ACTIVITY: Download and complete the reflection document to get started. 

Reflecting on past experiences

Download or save a copy to your Google Drive
Reflection Prompts

Skills Card Sort

Download or save a copy to your Google Drive
Skills Card Sort.pptx

ASSESSMENTS: The CBCC offers access to career and personality assessments that can be additional data points for your career exploration. Check with your Career Coach to find out which might be provided, and if you might benefit from taking additional versions. Past performance assessments can also help you think about strengths and transferable skills. 

Check out the full list of tools for self assessment.

ACTIVITY: Continue to add to your grounding document over the course of your academic journey.

NOTE: These assessments are not intended as prescriptive; you can benefit from exploring functions and roles beyond your results! Consider them thought starters.

Step 2: Research career paths and industries

Once you’ve spent some time reflecting, use the following resources to develop a general understanding of the career paths that may be ahead. 

WATCH: Conducting Career Research Webinar from the CBCC.

EXPLORE: Get familiar with the military-focused and general resources listed below.

ACTIVITY: Make a list of 3-7 industries that interest you. Follow companies in those industries on LinkedIn to stay current on news and trends.

READ/WATCH: Profiles of Carlson students who have transitioned from military service into civilian careers.

Military-Focused Career Research Resources:

Podcast about career journeys from a Veteran perspective. Filter 300+ episodes by topics like branch of service, rank and career path, or subscribe to listen on demand.
Skills Matcher tool allows you to rate your skills across 40 different areas and receive a report of civilian careers that align with your experience.
View examples of civilian jobs that often draw people who have military backgrounds. The “Military-Heavy Fields” and “Business Careers” sections may be most relevant.

General Career Research Resources:

Company rankings, career guides and advice.
Real career stories from MBAs; create an account with your UMN email address (geared toward MBA roles)

Step 3: Engage!

Company and Functional Info Sessions and Industry Association Events

These events take place early in the FTMBA and MSSCM programs, and within the first few months of an active job search during a PTMBA student’s last year in the MBA program. The CBCC works with local, national, and international companies to bring representatives to campus for informational meetings with groups of students. Companies often have internship or full-time positions to discuss with students, but these sessions also cover company culture, structure, and other relevant topics.

WATCH: Learn more about the recruiting process on the Recruiting at Carlson page. 

VISIT: Handshake to view a list of upcoming sessions. 

LINKEDIN: Request to join the Carlson School Military Network group on LinkedIn. Students often tell us that peers and alumni are valuable resources for candid questions about business school, tips and support during the process of networking. Get connected to the community!

Military-Focused Company, Function & Industry Resources:

Transition Webinar: Which Business Sector is Right for You - Mike Pavek, From Eagle Group of MN
Provides a list of employers in a range of industries rated as military friendly across a variety of dimensions (for veterans and/or military spouses)

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