Undergraduate Academic Year FLAS

Undergraduate Academic Year FLAS Fellowships provide funding to undergraduate students to encourage the study of less commonly taught modern foreign languages at the intermediate and advanced levels in combination with area studies, international studies or international aspects of professional studies.  Undergraduate Academic Year FLAS Fellowships are awarded to students enrolled in an undergraduate degree program at the University of Michigan’s Ann Arbor campus to study modern foreign languages at the intermediate (2nd year) or advanced (3rd year or above) levels and related area studies, international studies, and/or international aspects of professional studies. For Academic Year 2024-25, Undergraduate FLAS Fellows fellows are anticipated to receive up to $10,000 for tuition and mandatory fees, and a $5,000 stipend for the academic year (fall and winter terms). 

The number of each type of fellowship to be awarded by each Center and the amount of each fellowship are determined annually by US/ED according to federal regulations and budgetary authorization from the US Congress.