Summer FLAS Fellowships

Summer Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowships provide funding to current UM undergraduate and graduate students to encourage the study of less commonly taught modern foreign languages in an intensive summer program in a context of an overall academic program of area studies, international studies or international aspects of professional studies.

Summer FLAS Fellowships enable current U-M undergraduate and graduate students (or students from other institutions who wish to study at a U-M Summer Language Institute program) to participate in the study of a less commonly taught modern language in a summer intensive language program. These intensive language programs must teach the equivalent of a full academic year (fall and winter terms) of language classes at the University of Michigan. Students may attend the University of Michigan Summer Language Institute (SLI) or another eligible summer intensive language program in the United States or overseas.

Note: Study abroad programs for Summer 2024 are contingent on permission to travel abroad from U-M, State Department, and ultimately the US Department of Education. Complete your application with your intended program of study, knowing that we understand if plans need to change. If you receive an award and planned to study abroad and aren't permitted to go abroad,  you can change your plans to a domestic or virtual program (if virtual is an option) without losing your FLAS award. 

Summer FLAS Fellowships provide up to US$5,000 to support tuition and required fees at the summer intensive language programs and a stipend of $3,500 to cover living and travel expenses. The stipend may be used to cover tuition above $5,000 at the fellow’s discretion.

For summer programs that charge a comprehensive program fee that includes tuition, housing, meals, travel, textbooks, and/or cultural activities, the amount of the program fee for housing, meals, travel, textbooks, and/or cultural activities will be subtracted from the program fee to arrive at the tuition amount. Only tuition in this strict sense may be covered with the tuition portion of the Summer FLAS award. The portion of the program fee for housing, meals, travel and/or textbooks must be covered with the stipend and/or personal funds.

In very rare cases, a travel award of up to $1,000 may be made to cover the actual cost of traveling to/from the intensive summer language program location.