Teaching & Mentorship

Graduate Student Instructor (GSI) Experience

Earth Chemistry

Earth 131

Winter 2023

I lead three weekly discussion sections where we cover introductory chemistry topic with an Earth Science twist!

illustration Doug Chayka

Ecosystem Science in the Rockies

Earth 450

Summer 2021 & 2022

Four week intensive field camp class at University of Michigan’s Camp Davis field station in Jackson, Wyoming. 

Stratigraphy and Basin Analysis

Earth 467

Winter 2020

Led lab sections for an upper-level stratigraphy and basin analysis course taught by Dr. Naomi Levin. 


Earth 305

Fall 2018 & 2020

Led lab sections, updated course assignments, and led review sessions for an upper-level sedimentology course taught by Dr. Kacey Lohmann. The Fall 2018 class was in-person and included two weekend field trips in Michigan, Indiana, and Kentucky. 

Topics in Earth and Environmental Sciences

Earth 296

Summer 2020

Worked to convert entry-level field camp courses to an online format during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Committment to Teaching Pedagogy 

Center for Research on Learning and Teaching (CRLT) 

University of Michigan

Developed an advanced understanding of pedagogy through CRLT teaching seminars and teaching evaluations by peer mentors. Completed seminars: Backwards Course Design: Planning your course with the end in mind (Fall 2019); Evaluating Student Writing (Winter 2019); The Science of Learning (Winter 2019); Assessing Student Participation: What, How, and Why? (Fall 2019); Equity Focused Teaching (Winter 2022). 

Preparing Future Faculty (PFF) Seminar

CRLT | University of Michigan, May-June 2022

I have completed a month-long seminar, including discussions related to the higher education landscape, course design and assessment, and inclusive teaching practices. This was an excellent opportunity to intentionally consider the research and teaching environment I want to cultivate as a faculty member and reflect on my past teaching and research experiences.


Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) Mentor

University of Michigan, Fall 2019-Spring 2020

Independent Study Research Mentor

University of Michigan, Winter 2021

Research Mentor

University of Michigan