Curriculum vitae

Last Updated: April 10, 2024

(Photo: Camp Davis, 

Wyoming | SK 2021) 


University of Michigan, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Ann Arbor, MI

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

May 2024 - present

Supervisor: Naomi Levin 

University of Michigan, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Ann Arbor, MI

PhD, March 2024

Advisor: Naomi Levin | Thesis Committee: Drs. Julia Cole, Andrew Gronewold, Benjamin Passey

Research Focus: hydrology, paleoclimate, triple oxygen isotopes, clumped isotopes, Peru, Andes, lakes

Colgate University, Hamilton, NY

Bachelors of Arts, May 2016

Senor thesis advisor: William Peck

Major: Geology; Minor: Anthropology


Please see Research, Teaching & Mentorship, Outreach, and Fieldwork tabs for more information!

(Photo: Camp Davis, Wyoming | SK 2021) 

Contact me!

Sarah Katz |