

(Orcid: 0000-0001-6084-6858)

[5] Katz, S.A., Levin, N.E, Abbott, M.B, Rodbell, D.T., Passey, B.H., DeLuca, N.M., Larsen, D.J., Woods, A. (2024) “Holocene temperature and water stress in the Peruvian Andes: insights from lake carbonate clumped and triple oxygen isotopes.” Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 39 (10.1029/2023PA004827).

[4] Katz, S.A. (2024) “Andean interglacial climate and hydrology over the last 650,000 years,” PhD Thesis, University of Michigan (

[3] Katz, S.A., Levin, N.E, Rodbell, D.T., Gillikin D.P., Aron, P.G., Passey, B.H., Tapia, P.M., Serrepe, A.R., and Abbott, M.B. (2023) “Detecting hydrologic distinctions among Andean lakes using clumped and triple oxygen isotopes” Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Vol 602 ( Access here.

[2] Rodbell, D.T., Hatfield, R.G., Abbott, M.B., Chen, C.Y., Woods, A., Stoner, J.S., McGee, D., Tapia, P.M., Bush, M., Valero-Garcés, B.L., Lehmann, S.B., Mark, S.Z., Weidhaas, N.C., Hillman, A.L., Larsen, D.J., Delgado, G., Katz, S.A., Solada, K.E., Morey, A.E., Finkenbinder, M., Valencia, B., Rozas-Davila, A., Wattrus, N., Coleman, S.M., Bustamante, M.G., Kück, J., and Pierdominici, S. (2022) “700,000 years of tropical Andean glaciation,” Nature, Vol 607 ( My contribution to this work was primarily in the form of performing sedimentological and isotopic analyses.

[1] Bernasconi, S., Daëron, M., Bergmann, K.D., Bonifacie, M., Meckler, A.N., Affek, H.P., Anderson, N., Bajnai, D., Barkan, E., Beverly, E., Blamart, D., Burgener, L., Calmels, D., Chaduteau, C., Clog, M., Davidheiser-Kroll, B., Davies, A., Dux, F., Eiler, J., Elliott, B., Fetrow, A.C., Fiebig, J., Goldberg, S., Hermoso, M., Huntington, K.W., Hyland, E., Ingalls, M., Jaggi, M., John, C.M., Jost, A.B., Katz, S., Kelson, J., Kluge, T., Kocken, I.J., Laskar, A., Leutert, T.J., Liang, D., Lucarelli, J., Mackey, T.J., Mangenot, X., Meinicke, N., Modestou, S.E., Müller, I.A., Murray, S., Neary, A., Packard, N., Passey, B.H., Pelletier, E., Petersen, S., Piasecki, A., Schauer, A., Snell, K.E., Swart, P.K., Tripati, A., Upadhyay, D., Vennemann, T., Winkelstern, I., Yarian, D., Yoshida, N., Zhang, N., and Ziegler, M. (2021) “InterCarb: A community effort to improve inter-laboratory standardization of the carbonate clumped isotope thermometer using carbonate standards,” Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, Vol 2, Issue 5 ( My contribution to this work was primarily in the form of performing isotopic analyses.


[in prep] Katz, S.A., Levin, N.E., Abbott, M.B., Rodbell, D.T., Passey, B.H., Katz, S. "Large swings in South American tropical water balance driven by orbital forcing ." In prep for submission to Geology.

Invited Talks & Presentations

Colgate University, (September 2023) Andean interglacial climate and hydrology over the last 650,000 years. Invited seminar talk for undergraduate audience.

Great Lakes Coordinating Committee, Hydrology Subcommittee, (October 2021) Project Updates: Investigating Uncertainty Associated with the Great Lakes Water Balance. USACE-funded project update to the Hydrology Subcommittee.

Union College, (October 2020) Reconstructing precipitation δ18O from lacustrine carbonates using δ18O, Δ47, and Δ'17O: a modern case study from Junín, Peru with implications for paleoclimate. Invited seminar talk for undergraduate audience.

Conference proceedings (click to expand)

(2021-present, only; only first-author and research mentor abstracts are shown; see CV for complete list; § = undergraduate student mentee) 



Goldschmidt (August)

Katz, S.A., Levin, N.E., Abbott, M.B., Rodbell, D.T., Passey, B.H., Katz, S.A.Triple oxygen isotopes reveal large, orbitally-paced swings in South American monsoon strength and regional water balance.” Link to abstract [Oral presentation]


Geological Society of America (GSA) (October)

Katz, S.A., Levin, N.E., Abbott, M.B., Rodbell, D.T., Passey, B.H., “Large swings in tropical water balance during a ‘weak’ interglacial (MIS 15) suggest a link to precession-induced monsoon variability.” [Oral presentation]

Michigan Geophysical Union (MGU) Research Symposium, Ann Arbor, MI (April)

Katz, S.A., Levin, N.E., Abbott, M.B., Rodbell, D.T., Passey, B.H., “Andean interglacial climate during MIS‑15 (621–563 ka).” ( ) [Poster presentation]


Michigan Geophysical Union (MGU) Research Symposium, Ann Arbor, MI (April)

Katz, S.A., Levin, N.E., DeLuca, N.M., Passey, B.H., Rodbell, D.T., Abbott, M.B “Temperature and water budget records from Holocene lake carbonates in the Peruvian Andes (Peru).” ( [Oral presentation]


American Geophysical Union (AGU), (December)

Katz, S.A., Levin, N.E., DeLuca, N.M., Passey, B.H., Rodbell, D.T., Abbott, M.B “Holocene temperature and water budget records from the tropical-latitude Andes (11 °S) using clumped isotope (47) and triple oxygen isotope (17O) measurements of lake carbonates from Lake Junín and Laguna Pumacocha, Peru.” GC55C-0430 Link

Michigan Geophysical Union (MGU) Research Symposium, Virtual Conference (April)

Katz, S.A., Passey, B.H., and Levin, N.E., “A simple numerical model to predict the effect of moisture recycling on the triple oxygen isotope (17O) composition of downwind precipitation.” MGU Annual Meeting 2021. (

Michigan Geophysical Union (MGU) Research Symposium, Virtual Conference (April)

§ Andrews, K.S., Katz, S.A., Aron, P.G., Levin, N.E., “Spatial and temporal trends in stable oxygen isotopes of eggshells and waters” MGU Annual Meeting 2021. (


Dissertation Chapters

Chapter 1

Detecting hydrologic distinctions among Andean lakes using clumped and triple oxygen isotopes

In this chapter, I analyzed triple oxygen isotopes and clumped isotopes from modern surface waters and lacustrine carbonates from four lakes. We show that clumped isotopes track environmental temperatures and triple oxygen isotopes track hydrology (i.e., evaporation) in each lake. Furthermore, the combination of clumped and triple oxygen isotopes allows us to faithfully reconstruct local precipitation δ18O from carbonates formed from evaporated lake waters. This modern calibration study provides critical context for burgeoning triple oxygen isotope paleoclimate work in lake systems.


AGU 2020 Abstract

Fieldwork in the Lake Junin Region, Peru, 2019

Chapter 2

Holocene temperature and water stress in the Peruvian Andes: insights from lake carbonate clumped and triple oxygen isotopes

Global climate during the Holocene is considered to have been relatively stable compared to the late Pleistocene. However, evidence from lacustrine records in South America suggests the tropical latitudes experienced significant water balance variability during the Holocene, rather than quiescence. In this study, we use clumped and triple oxygen isotopes to develop Holocene temperature and evaporation records from Lakes Junín, Pumacocha, and Mehcocha to build a more complete picture of paleo-hydroclimate, specifically changes in water balance (P–E), in this region.

Publication: 10.1029/2023PA004827

AGU 2021 Abstract

Selected Holocene climate records from South America.

Chapter 3

Core image credit: Junin working group

Climate and hydrology in the South American tropics during ancient interglacials (MIS15) 

We discover evidence of large variations in lake water balance at Lake Junín during MIS 15 based on lake carbonate D'17O values. The close correspondence between our reconstructed lake water D'17O data and local summertime insolation suggests a link to precession-paced changes in South American summer monsoon (SASM) strength and implies that regional water balance also responded to changes in the SASM. Combining these new MIS 15 reconstructed lake water D'17O data with Holocene reconstructed lake water D'17O data from Lake Junín shows that precession controls monsoon and water balance variability during at least two interglacials. However, the amplitude of hydrologic change during MIS 15 is greater than the Holocene, which we attribute to a larger eccentricity parameter and increased SASM variability.

doi: 10.1130/abs/2023AM-392949

Other projects

Investigating Uncertainty Associated with the Great Lakes Water Balance

Fall 2022 | Supervisor: Drew Gronewold (UM SEAS)

I worked on developing code to incorporate Stage Fall Discharge equations into the Large Lakes Statistical Water Balance Model (L2SWBM), a Bayesian water balance model of the Laurentian Great Lakes. We expect that this will reduce uncertainties in flow estimates for both the St. Clair and Detroit Rivers. 

Project funding to Drew Gronewold from the US Army Corps of Engineers.

Pictured: A channel flow measurement station at the US ACE lab in Ft. Wayne, Detroit, USA (SK, 2021).