Departing the US

Departing the US: Immigration Check Out  

If you are returning home, or moving to another city in the U.S., you will need to make extensive, detailed arrangements to not only update your immigration information at U-M, but also to prepare for leaving Ann Arbor in general. Please consult the International Center's departure website for more details on things to do before you depart. 

UM Alumni Status 

If you took 12 or more academic credits, you have “alumni” status, and you will be able to use your email address for life (i.e. receive messages to this email address). However, after the semester ends, you will lose access to the U-M Google features, including Gmail. You will need to set up email forwarding in order to continue receiving emails sent to your address. You can find details about that here

If you took fewer than 12 UM credits as an MBA exchange student, you can access:

UM Transcripts

Professors have 72 hours to input grades after your final exam/project. Once your professors have inputted your grades and the semester has ended, you can view and print your unofficial transcript from your Wolverine Access account. Your official transcript will be sent to your home university once all grades have been input and the Ross Registrar's Office has finalized grades. 


Students that were employed in the US need to file taxes. Information is typically emailed out to all students in February/March regardless of the term you studied at Ross. Students can learn more about the process here. Students will need to make sure that they have their UM email forwarded to an email that they check regularly so they file in time.