Community and Membership

EGL as a program has many elements. From the Topics in Leadership development series, the focus area in the Ross School of Business, the International Minor for Engineers, the Master's degree–it can seem like a lot to juggle. What makes EGL special is the culture that we have developed, where students coming from all majors, interests, and backgrounds come together to support one another. Our Internal Vice President and Membership Chair are focused on developing this culture and community with all sorts of events and programs every single year that are typically partially or fully subsidized. 

General Body Meetings (GBMs)

Each month, everyone in EGL gathers to attend GBM (typically in a Ross Classroom), where we will provide dinner, share Society updates, and do a fun activity. In the past, the activities have included talent show, game nights, an alumni panel, EGOlympics, and scavenger hunts.  

Mentorship Program

As a newly-admitted EGL student, you will be assigned a mentor based on similar interests and aspirations. The mentorship program is designed to help ease your transition into EGL, be introduced to older members, and help give you tips on how to navigate the program requirements. 

Intramural Sports

In EGL, we have a longstanding tradition of forming IM Sports teams in near every sport/season, whether that be Soccer, Volleyball, Wallyball, Basketball, and beyond! We typically form co-recreational teams and invite all to attend!

Camping and Ski Trips

The adventurous spirit of EGLs is evidenced in many ways: whether that be through studying abroad or participating in the VA program–EGLs love to explore! Typically each year a group of EGLs will go camping together or on ski trips in Michigan! 

Annual Formal

The Annual Formal is an opportunity for EGLs to come together, dress up, and bond. It's a great way to introduce other friends to the EGL community that becomes a big part of many students' lives. 

Other Social Events

Other social events that we have done each year include bowling night, pickleball tournament, ice skating, and we also coordinate with the Honors Program to participate and plan some events jointly!