CVRE Research Entrepreneurship

Seminar Series

Research Entrepreneurship Seminar Series

The goal of the Research Entrepreneurship Seminar Series is to develop an entrepreneurial mindset among the students in the CVRE program by infusing a first exposure to entrepreneurial fundamentals and business skills to complement the practical experience into the experimental, translational and engineering research work students are pursuing in the laboratory.

The series, attended by CVRE faculty and trainees, will be organized by the program directors and feature guest speakers from the Ross School of Business, the Center for Entrepreneurship, the Michigan Tech Transfer Office and local representatives of biotechnology and startup companies currently housed within the University of Michigan Incubator Space at NCRC. Participants will learn the basic concepts of intellectual property and entrepreneurship with a focus on translational cardiovascular science, understand the key components of assessing the market, developing a business plan, acquire some skills and tools to build the plan, create some enthusiasm about starting a venture, and discuss challenges and opportunities for entrepreneurs in cardiovascular sciences.

The Research Entrepreneurship Seminar Series occurs in the spring and features five to six speakers with strong emphasis on cardiovascular research entrepreneurship. Each seminar is followed by a luncheon with the speaker allowing time for CVRE Fellows to ask questions and network.

2022 Speakers

Please submit all suggestions for future speakers to