What is ERSP?
ERSP, or Early Research Scholars Program, is a structured and scalable research experience for undergraduate students. The Manning College of Information & Computer Sciences at UMass Amherst is taking part in a multi-institutional effort of UC San Diego's Early Research Scholars Program to address the underrepresentation of minority students in computing.
ERSP at CICS, is a program for early undergraduates in Computer Science and Informatics majors. It is an academic-year, group-based, research apprenticeship experience. Students are grouped into teams of ~4 and matched with a faculty advisor from a CICS research center and lab.
Through ERSP, students have the opportunity to learn about CS research, improve and apply core computing knowledge, gain skills important to their future as a computer scientist, and interact closely with our amazing faculty mentors and a supportive group of peers in ERSP.
Expect it to be challenging and lots of fun!
ERSP Objectives
To excite participants through early exposure to research and the challenges facing CS researchers today.
To teach participants the fundamental skills involved in conducting CS research.
To promote a diverse and supportive community within CICS.