What is ERSP?

ERSP, or Early Research Scholars Program, is a structured and scalable research experience for undergraduate students. The Manning College of Information & Computer Sciences at UMass Amherst is taking part in a multi-institutional effort of UC San Diego's Early Research Scholars Program to address the underrepresentation of minority students in computing.

ERSP at CICS, is a program for early undergraduates in Computer Science and Informatics majors.  It is an academic-year, group-based, research apprenticeship experience.  Students are grouped into teams of ~4 and matched with a faculty advisor from a CICS research center and lab.  

Through ERSP, students have the opportunity to learn about CS research, improve and apply core computing knowledge, gain skills important to their future as a computer scientist, and interact closely with our amazing faculty mentors and a supportive group of peers in ERSP. 

Expect it to be challenging and lots of fun!

ERSP Objectives

Below are a few of our ERSP Partner Schools! Click on them for more info