
Overview of Program Structure

The CICS Early Research Scholars Program is a dual-mentored structured research apprenticeship experience for CS and Informatics undergraduates in their second year. In this program, students are grouped into teams (usually of 4 students) and matched with an active research group from the college. Over the course of a year they engage in the following activities:

  • Observation of a research group “in action” at CICS, UMass.

  • Completion of CICS 290A (1 cr) “Introduction to Research in the Discipline” course.

  • Completion of the CICS 396x (3cr) "Independent Study - Directed Research Group" course . This course may count as a major elective for CS and Informatics majors with UPD approval, subject to program rules that apply to independent study courses.

  • Proposal and completion of an original group project, related to the research group they are matched with.

The program is targeted towards women and URM (Underrepresented Minority includes American Indian/Alaska Native, Black/African American, Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, Hispanic/Latino, and those who declared multiple race/ethnicities, first-generation students, and veterans).

During the course of the program, students are mentored by both the central ERSP director/adviser and by a research group advisor. The central ERSP adviser is usually assisted by a graduate student assistant.

Learn more about ERSP from the Computer Science Channel!