Tips and Strategies

Here are some helpful suggestions:

  • Use short and simple sentences to ensure understanding

  • Be explicit with instructions and provide direct feedback

  • Use visuals to support communication and new learning

  • Develop a structured routine that includes preferred activities/interests. Be sure to include fun activity time together.

  • Implement a visual schedule that meets the needs of the child eg. picture schedule, pictures & text, etc.

  • Use concrete, hands-on materials

  • Demonstrate the steps in a new task, and have the child perform the steps one at a time

  • Provide immediate and corrective feedback (if task is done incorrectly, model the correct way)

  • Break down learning into small steps/tasks

  • Structure your home learning environment to include a work area (free from distraction) and a free time/play area

  • Provide specific positive praise and pair it with something tangible e.g. sticker chart to earn a reward or a preferred activity