Tips and Strategies

Here are some helpful suggestions:

  • Provide structure and routines

    • E.g., daily schedule (visual schedule if it helps)

  • Work on the activities your child finds most difficult early in the day

  • Provide frequent breaks

  • Offer your child choices for learning activities, and the order in which to complete tasks

    • E.g., allow your child to make the daily schedule (choose the order he/she completes the days activities)

  • When possible, model how to complete an activity or task

  • Breaking down multiple step instructions (chunking) can help make assignments appear less daunting, and ensure steps are completed successfully

  • Use checklists (combined with chunking), to provide a sense of accomplishment as he/she works through learning tasks

  • Reinforce positive behaviours as much as possible

  • Offer opportunities to earn preferred activities rather than taking preferred things away

  • When challenges do arise, give time and space to reset