Planned Ignoring

What is it?

  • Eliminating attention, reaction, item in response to an inappropriate behaviour (remove reinforcement)

  • The behavioural term for this is extinction

  • Ignore the behaviour NOT the child

  • Should ONLY be done with minor, non-dangerous behaviours (e.g., non-destructive & non-aggressive behaviour)

  • Teaches the child the inappropriate behaviour is not going to gain access to what they are trying to “get” (an item, attention, removal of something)

  • Always consider the function of the behaviour (why is it happening-to access attention, an item, to escape/avoid an aversive situation)

  • Should always be paired with reinforcement strategies for appropriate behaviour


  • Your child always screams for a cookie instead of asking nicely - you decide you will look away and continue with what you are doing when he screams, but will respond when he asks nicely

  • Your child cries and calls your name every time you are on the phone - you decide you will continue to talk to the other person on the phone and not respond to the attempts to get your attention

  • Your child flops to the ground when he can’t have his iPad - you decide that every time he does this you will walk away and not provide the iPad