
Placing the eggs

Remember to wash your hands before and after touching the eggs. Put the eggs in the egg turner with the small end down so that the air cell is facing up. The day that you put your eggs into the incubator is day zero. Be aware that once you place the eggs in the incubator, it will take the incubator time to readjust to the correct temperature. Do not adjust the temperature during the first 48 hours.

Maintaining the Incubator

Days 1-17

During this time, your eggs will be pretty self-sufficient. It is important that you check your incubator each day to make sure that it is regulating the temperature and humidity. You will also need to check your egg turner to ensure that it is turning your eggs regularly. You will likely need to add water to your tray to keep the humidity between 45-55% during this period. Be sure that the water you are adding is warm so it does not drastically change your incubator's environment.

Days 18-21

It's time to prepare for hatching! On day 18, you will remove the egg turner from the incubator and place the eggs directly on the screen. You will need to add water to the tray so that the humidity increases to 55-65%. This higher humidity level will need to be maintained until hatching. Keeping the incubator closed as much as possible will help to keep the humidity in the higher range. This higher humidity level will prevent the chicks from sticking to their eggshell and help to soften the eggshell in preparation for hatching. You will need to continue monitoring the temperature and humidity to ensure they stay in the appropriate range.


A candler provides you with the ability to look inside the fertilized egg and check its progress. You can candle your eggs at the beginning of the project to check for cracks or double yolks. On days 7, 14, and 18, candle the eggs to view the development of the embryo. It is likely that not all of your eggs will hatch, so candling is a great way to check which eggs are actually developing! Be sure to wash your hands before and after candling.

Check out this video on candling to learn more: How to Candle Eggs

See additional information here: Instructions on How to Candle Eggs