I want to become a 4-H club leader or volunteer... how do I join?

If you are interested in leading a club or volunteering, we would love to have you! Contact our 4-H Office at (904) 209-0430 and let us know some details about what you would be interested in. 

I want to become a 4-H member... how do I join? 

Visit our St. Johns County 4-H Website! The website will give a list of current clubs and all of the information you need to join 4-H. You can also feel free to give us a call at (904) 209-0430. We hope to hear from you!

St. Johns County 4-H Website 

My incubator isn't staying in the appropriate temperature range.. What should I do?

Great observation! If you have just recently set your incubator up, please remember it will take at least 24 hours to acclimate. Remember, every time you open the lid or add something (such as eggs), it will take the incubator time to adjust back to the set temperature and humidity.  

To adjust your temperature, you will use either the buttons located near the digital screen or the metal lever. If you are still encountering issues after checking the adjusted temperature and giving your incubator time to acclimate, please contact your 4-H agent. 

The automatic egg turner isn't turning... What should I do? 

The egg turners work rather slowly, but you should see a noticable difference in the direction of the eggs at least twice during the day. Be sure that your turner is plugged in (it is an additional plug other than the incubator plug) and that the motor is running. Check all of the small plastic arms on your turner. Each arm should be fitted into a notch on the larger plastic side rails. These arms are easily loosened and jostled, so it is possible they may have been dislodged while transporting the incubator to your classroom. 

If you still have issues with your egg turner, contact the 4-H Agent. 

I've never hatched chicks before and I'm nervous... 

What's the old saying, "There's always a first time for everything?" Well, that couldn't be more true! As a 4-H agent, it is my job to ensure you have everything you need to be successful and are comfortable throughout the duration of this project. You will be given detailed training on how to set up the incubator, incubate the eggs, and care for the chicks after hatching. Many first time teachers participating in the project are actually surprised to find out they make pretty good first time chick parents! 

Why aren't the eggs white? 

Great question! Many people are familiar with the white eggs that we purchase in the grocery store. Eggs can come in a variety of colors including white, brown, blue, and green. Egg color is determined by the breed of the chicken. Yes, you read correctly! Just like dogs, cats, and many other animals, chickens come in a variety of different breeds! 

Do you want to learn more about egg colors? Click here! 

Can we keep the chicks after the project?

Each chick hatched during your project will need a home after the project is completed. While you may have many students who would like to keep chicks, it is important to know that it takes knowledge and experience to properly care for a chicken. Additionally, St. Johns County does have rules on keeping domestic chickens in a residential area. If you think you or someone you know may qualify to keep some of the chicks, speak with your 4-H Agent. Otherwise, you will need to work with the Agent to find approved homes for the chicks. 

To see the chicken ordinances in St. Johns County, click here

My incubator isn't staying in the appropriate humidity range.. What should I do?

Great observation! If you have just recently set your incubator up, please remember it will take at least 24 hours to acclimate. Remember, every time you open the lid or add something (such as eggs), it will take the incubator time to adjust back to the set temperature and humidity.  

To get your humidity to increase, you should add more warm water to the plastic channels on the bottom. There are small holes located on the top of your incubator. These holes can either be plugged or unplugged. Plugging the holes will trap the warm, humid air inside which will increase your humidity. Unplugging the holes will allow for some airflow which will decrease your humidity. You can plug or unplug these holes as needed. 

If the humidity is still not adjusting correctly, contact your 4-H Agent.