course learning tasks

course learning tasks

To achieve the objectives of this course, you will complete the following tasks. Each of these are described below:

Module Study Guides (250 points)

In order to help you develop a deeper knowledge of the course readings, you will complete a study guide worksheet for each module of the course. Each study guide will contain a list of terms to define as well as discussion questions to respond to. Each completed study guide is worth 25 points towards your final grade. Each study guide should be submitted to Canvas by the last day we cover the corresponding module. Assessed as Done/Not Done.

quizzes (3 x 100 points; 300 points total)

In order to assess the knowledge about SLA that you gain in the course, you will take three quizzes. All four quizzes are closed book and closed notes and take place in class. Please see the course schedule for the dates of quizzes. Study guides for each quiz will be provided on Canvas.

L2 data analyses (3 x 150 points; 450 total)

In order to give you practice analyzing L2 learner data, you will complete three data analyses, an interlanguage analysis, a classroom analysis, and a complexity analysis. These data analyses will consist of a set of data and questions you need to investigate. You will then write a brief (1,250-1,500 word) report on your analysis. Specific details and instructions for all these tasks will be posted in Canvas and discussed in class.

Bonus Opportunity (20 points)

Students who wish to do so may increase their total grade points by 20 (out of 1,000) by completing 2 hours of participation in experiments in the departments of Linguistics, Spanish & Portuguese, and Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences. Deadline is April 5. For a list of studies that qualify, see the SONA website (link here). For details on how to use SONA, see this document. If you choose not to participate or do not qualify for any of the studies, you can receive the same amount of course credit by means of an alternative assignment. This involves writing a summary of a short SLA research article. More details about alternate assignment available upon request.

grading scale

This course follows the UF Grading Policy. Click here for more information.