Welcome STEM UE Warriors

STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics and refers to any subjects that fall under these four disciplines. This strand is an inquiry and research-based program for Senior High School.  Students in this strand develop problem-solving skills and critical thinking where they apply scientific, technological, mathematical, and engineering concepts.

List of Specialized Subjects in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Strand


Questions about effectiveness can be addressed only in the context of the purposes or goals one wants to measure. Three broad and widely espoused goals for K-12 STEM education capture the breadth of the purposes for STEM education and reflect the types of intellectual capital needed for the nation’s growth and development in an increasingly science- and technology-driven world. These goals are to increase advanced training and careers in STEM fields, to expand the STEM-capable workforce and to increase scientific literacy among the general public.

 DepEd. (n.d.). Manila Bulletin. https://mb.com.ph/2023/9/22/results 

Goal #1: Expand the number of students who ultimately pursue advanced degrees and careers in STEM fields

During the past century, the STEM fields propelled the Philippines to the forefront of an innovation-based global economy. Indeed, more than half of the tremendous growth in per capita income in the 20th century can be accounted for by advances in science and technology.  Several reports have drawn a direct line between the nation’s competitiveness and K-12 STEM education to support the next generation of scientists and innovators.16 Thus, one goal for STEM education focuses on the flow of students into STEM majors and careers.

Bank, A. D. (n.d.). 36008-013: Lower Secondary Education Development Project in Viet Nam. Flickr. https://www.flickr.com/photos/ 

Goal #2: Implementation Of The Best Practices

Students must be able to implement the best practices in all the disciplines of STEM. The long-term aim is to develop a stronger aptitude for these disciplines. 

Activate Learning. (2022, March 24). Our recruitment process - Activate Learning. https://www.activatelearning.ac.uk/work-with-us/our-recruitment-process/ 

Goal #3: Knowledge Acquisition & Creativity

The students should acquire knowledge in the four STEM areas and become capable of innovating new ideas.