10 Job Targets of STEM Graduates 

Mechanical engineer

A mechanical engineer develops, upgrades, and maintains various mechanical equipment, including engines, machines, and various tools. They may work for various industries such as construction, automotive, assembly, and manufacturing. A mechanical engineer assesses the requirements of a project, such as specifications, budget, and timeline.  


A physician is a medical professional who works with other professionals to treat various injuries, diseases and conditions. They may also work to promote public health. A physician orders tests, analyses results, gives a diagnosis and creates a treatment plan for patients.  Physicians maintain medical records of their patients for future diagnosis and advise patients on how to improve their health. . 


A statistician collects, compiles and presents data to help a business identify patterns and make predictions and decisions. The job requires you to apply your maths and statistics skills to assess the results and determine trends. A statistician may also design methods for data collection and advise the business on strategy. 


A Mathematician, sometimes known as a Numerical Analyst, uses mathematical and statistical formulas and calculations to predict outcomes, solve complex problems, and develop algorithms for various industries. Their duties include solving equations, creating forecast models, and identifying patterns within large data sets.


A biologist's work focuses on plant life, animal life and organisms. They investigate and observe their composition, habitats and behaviours to understand how they interact with each other and other organisms in the environment. Biologists may carry out research, collect samples, take measurements, perform experiments and interpret and report findings.  


 An economist is a financial expert who studies market activities to help a business or organization decide. They collect and analyze financial and socioeconomic data, advise governments and businesses on economic decisions and create models to help with economic forecasting. 

Software Developer

Software developers create software systems for various purposes for various companies. For example, they may develop student services software and administrative services software for a school or university. They design flowcharts and algorithms to guide software development. A software developer may also produce efficient code depending on the client's or employer's specifications. They ensure that their software integrates well with third-party programs.  


Architects create designs for new construction projects, alterations, and redevelopments. They use their specialist construction knowledge and high-level drawing skills to design buildings that are functional, safe, sustainable, and aesthetically pleasing.  Architects stay involved throughout the construction process, adapting their plans according to budget constraints, environmental factors, and client needs.  


A scientist is responsible for researching and analyzing the nature and complexities of the physical world to identify discoveries that would improve people's lives and ignite scientific knowledge for society.  They collect the sample for their research, record findings, create research proposals, and release publications. A scientist must know how to utilize laboratory equipment to support the study and drive results efficiently and accurately. 

Civil Engineer

 A civil engineer handles the design, construction and maintenance of various infrastructures such as bridges, roads, dams, water and sewage systems, buildings, harbours, airports or railways. They may also carry out risk, costs and material assessments for various projects. Civil engineers conduct site investigations and analyse data to monitor progress and compile reports.