UCSC Online Education

Funding for online courses available! Check out the UC Online Call for Proposals! (Deadline: extended to March 13)

Need help with tools like Canvas, YuJa, Zoom, Hypothesis?
Have questions about classroom technology?
Come visit our daily office hours!

A zig zag bridge in the forest.
A deer stares forward in the forest.
A banana slug crawls on the ground.

Featured projects, events, and news

Join Professor Michael Chemers and Mike Halekakis as they talk about the universal fear — and appeal — of monsters in Online Education's first podcast series.

Clipboard with checkmark vector art

Not sure how to evaluate your technologically-enhanced class? No problem! We have developed an evaluation system for online, hybrid, and technology-enhanced teaching, lovingly nicknamed 'See No Eval'.

Colorful melting brain vector art

How to navigate the changing landscape of Blended Synchronous and other post-emergency remote teaching formats

These videos feature students and faculty from each Academic Division, showing the kinds of research projects that students can get involved with at UC Santa Cruz.

Take more than 3000 courses for free through the UC Santa Cruz learning program on Coursera!
Available to all UCSC students, faculty, and staff.

Bulletin board with items of evidence vector art

What are conspiracy theories? How do they work? Are they always wrong and/or crazy? Matthew Lasar knows, and will teach you, too, in this Massive Open Online Course by UCSC.