The Issue

People believe free-markets, competition, and individualism are the only solution to the inequalities we face. Our existing network of cooperation and mutuality in our economy highlights how cooperation is vital to our economy but also greatly under appreciated and underinvested in. Greater collaboration, investment, and recognition of current forms of cooperation are key to building a more equitable and sustainable economy.

What is Solidarity Economics?

Our project communicates the Solidarity Economics framework, which is rooted in the lived experiences of everyday people and activists. We use visual media, primarily videos, to communicate this vocabulary to a wider audience, while also grounding this framework in real-world examples.

Meet the Team!

Neguin Anvari Lacayo

Neguin (she/her) is a fourth-year transfer student majoring in Politics with a minor in GISES.

Edward Estrada

Edward (he/him) is a fourth-year majoring in Politics and minoring in GISES. Edward has been the President of the College Democrats at UCSC since 2019 and serves as an alternate on the Santa Cruz County Democratic Central Committee.

Project Partner

The Solidarity Economics team is a collaboration between the Equity Research Center (ERI) at the University of Southern California and the Institute for Social Transformation at UC Santa Cruz, creating a joint project called Solidarity Economics.

Organization Needs

The project currently needs media to be produced that communicates this vocabulary and the main thesis of the manuscript to a wider audience, while also expanding on this framework.

Our Solution

We proposed using visual media, primarily videos, to communicate the solidarity framework to a wider audience. We accomplished this through the creation of videos that focus on real-world examples of Solidarity Economics values in action.

Project Outcomes

We created visual media tools that the Solidarity Economics team can utilize in their social media campaigns. The video dimensions are 1:1, which works best for social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook. This increases the accessibility and presence of the Solidarity Economics framework online and allows activists to easily see and share our content. Along with our infographics, this creates a toolkit that activists can share to communicate important aspects of the solidarity framework.

Screenshot from Adobe Premiere Pro as we compiled our video audio.

Project Deliverables

With the use of Canva and Adobe Premiere Pro, we were able to put together some visual media to communicate the concept of Solidarity Economics. The videos focus on case studies that showcase Solidarity Economics in action. We also created infographics connected to each video that deliver facts, steps to take, and offer a deeper look at the issues covered in each video. These are extra resources for activists that are easily digestible and creates a plan for the next steps activists can take.

Solidarity Economics Housing Cooperatives (1)_1.mp4
Solidarity Economics Jobs Guarantee.mp4

Lessons Learned


We know that there is a lot of information on certain topics that are not accessible to everyone, but with this project, we were able to provide people with the terminologies to spread awareness for the Solidarity Economics model.


With the use of visual media, we have been able to communicate the concept, values, and solutions associated with Solidarity Economics.


We learned a lot about ourselves while working on this project and have worked on improving our communication and time management. In particular, we learned the importance of making changes to our project plan/structure early if we realize it isn’t working.

Project Milestones

Project Impact

  • We pivoted our project plan when we reduced our team size from 4 initial members to 2 members throughout the project implementation.

  • We switched video software from primarily Adobe Premiere Pro to primarily Canva.

  • We ultimately finished two videos via Canva, ready to be sent to the Solidarity Economics team for final revisions and ultimately to be disseminated by the team.

The videos and infographics we have created will be hosted on the Solidarity Economics website, beneficial to the project as the book was recently launched in September of 2021. The research we conducted can also be expanded upon by future Everett cohorts, as well as future Solidarity Economics teams.

While our project videos have not yet made a visible impact on the political landscape, either locally or statewide, we do have some next steps for ensuring our project will positively impact our community. The ongoing Solidarity Economics team within the Everett Program will push out our completed toolkits as resources to be used under the Solidarity Economics framework.