Videos & Visualizations

Visualizatons on the High Runner Mice:

Bar race chart for Females across the first 31 generations. These are the same data as shown in the graph below.

Bar race chart for Males across the first 31 generations. Note the large seasonal fluctuations! Also, note that males always run less than females.

Videos on the High Runner Mice:

Video of Mice Running on a Wheel (accompanies Girard et al. 2001) on YouTube or direct download of .mov file (0:56)

Video of a High Runner mouse Running on a small plastic "dish" Wheel (courtesy of Dr. Karen Parfitt)

Dr. Garland discusses the selective breeding experiment used to produce the four replicate High Runner lines of mice (11 May 2006) (7:42)

Garland Public Lecture on "Born to Run: Evolution of Hyperactivity in Mice" 29 Oct. 2009 (1:08:01)

Dr. Garland discussing "How to run far: Multiple solutions and sex-specific responses to selective breeding ..." (1:23)  PDF file of the paper

Dr. Garland presenting to a middle school class 28 May 2013 (41:28)  (accompanies the Born to Run Lesson Plan)

Dr. Garland presenting a short video about using the Born to Run Lesson Plan 25 June 2017 (12:28)

YouTube Channel

Dr. Garland presenting in a symposium at the American College of Sports Medicine, June 2022 (starts at 1 hour 5 min 45 seconds in)

Dr. Garland presenting in the Mathematical Laws of Morphology and Biomechanics Seminar Series, 15 Nov. 2022