Elementary-Level Case Studies

These first-grade students are learning together, as their classmate takes his turn to teach the daily number sense routine.

Math Practice Standards as SEL-based Touchpoints

Gales Ferry Elementary School (PreK-6)

To encourage strengths-based math learning, we focused on the Math Practice Standards as SEL-based touchpoints to form equitable math norms in every classroom, aligned across grade levels. We broadened access to Tier 1 math learning through guided play, math talks, and games, thus diversifying inroads to learning. We also began to invite students to draw, write, and speak to their math identities, reflecting on their own strengths and creating their own goals for the year. By focusing on universal, developmentally appropriate inclusion, our students have demonstrated steep growth in math proficiency, and respect for varying learning approaches, and more importantly, genuine delight in their own math learning.


In a school of nearly 500 students, we had over 440 attendees at our two Math Nights this year. Our after-school math clubs are so sought after that we average 60 students registering within the first 12 hours for 16 spots, requiring us to move to a lottery system. Students across grade levels burst into spontaneous cheers when it is time to do math.

For more information, contact Daisy Rhau, Math Interventionist, Gales Ferry Elementary School at drhau@ledyard.net

Additional Resources:

K-2 Math Identity Reflections Crazy 8s Math Club

SFSD Math Norms Math Practices/SEL Implications Chart