
We are so happy you are here! This website is a companion for the Equity in Mathematics Education: A Position Statement for Connecticut. The position statement outlines three pillars -- supporting students' math identities, modernizing mathematical programming, and aligning and advancing systems -- that are crucial to advancing more equitable outcomes in mathematics in Connecticut.

This site supports our collective work to respond to the call of the Position Statement by highlighting cases from different schools/districts and how they align with each of the pillars. Although the themes are cross-cutting and apply across contexts, the work must be done on a local level. This space was created to highlight cases of different schools/districts tackling this ongoing mission in different ways. The cases can serve as inspiration, and they can serve to create connections across communities. We know that working towards equity is challenging but we are stronger together when we share commitments and build together. We hope you learn a lot, make valuable connections, and are willing to share insight into your work.

To learn more about advancing equity, click on any of the three pillars to find relevant cases. To search the website, click the magnifying glass at the top corner or click around.

Click on the any pillar above to explore the related cases.

To submit your own school's projects, click here.

Feel free to read the entire position statement for further information, click here.

To learn more about the organizations involved in this work, click here.