Positive Influencers to Follow

By Rosie Sullivan

In a world where the people we follow on social media have the greatest impact on our lives, why do the majority of us follow people with unachievable lifestyles?

Social media has hundreds of millions of profiles and people who promote a healthier, realistic and positive life. This article will show you some of the most positive influencers who could transform your stream!


While being one of the most popular pop singers at the moment, Lizzo is also one of the most prominent voices in regards to body positivity. She wants to normalise everybody for what it is. In a recent interview with Vogue she said “I would like to be body-normative. I want to normalise my body," which sums up her social media pages and her attitude for change. Her music also has added to her urge for change.


Nyma Tang

She has contributed to a huge shift in the beauty industry bringing skin-colour based discimination to the forefront of conversations. She started out reviewing dark shade foundations from different brands which has catapulted her into a larger debate about the inclusivity within the beauty industry.


Dr Rupy Aujla

He is a doctor in the NHS and uses his platform to share recipes, research and medical knowledge about good nutrition and how we can use food as medicine. He doesn’t focus on the negatives of fast food etc, instead he encapsulates good food for your body into short recipes.


Rohan Chakravarty

Rohan uses cartoon strips to highlight important issues to do with the environment and climate change. He uses comedy to instil messages and compel people to respond to it. There are also so many things you can learn from his page about the natural world


The Happy Newspaper

While we hope the Martlet is your favourite newspaper, The Happy Newspaper on Instagram shares the real happy news that you want to see to add some positivity to your day. This is especially good at the moment when mainstream news channels are so focused on news that doesn’t uplift you.


Donté Colley

Donté is the ultimate motivation you need to power through the week. His dances on Instagram and TikTok have captivated a multitude of audiences from people like you and me to famous stars such as Jennifer Garner, Beyonce, Leslie Jones and more. So when you need a boost of motivation Donté is your guy.


Make sure to check out some of these positive creators and influencers to inspire your social media feed!