Game Projects

Every quarter, our club members work together in teams to make some games! The games worked on are either pitched game projects from long-time club members, projects from other organizations we collaborate with, or projects from our Scaffold and Wildcard categories!

Regardless of game development experience, all club members are welcome to participate in our game projects!

Game Pitch Form

Have a cool game idea/project you want to pitch? Please fill out and submit the pitch form below.

No form(s) available

Game Team Sign-Up Form

If you are interested in participating in one of our game projects, please fill out and submit the form below.

No form(s) available

Team Waitlist Form

If you wanted to work on a game project this quarter but couldn't join a team during Week 3, please fill out and submit the waitlist form below.


What are the requirements to pitch your own game idea as a project?

Members who have participated in at least ONE of our club's game projects (Game Jams included) may pitch their game ideas. Alumni and faculty may also pitch their own projects, but they must be approved by our Board, which is done on a case-by-case basis.

How do I send a game pitch to be reviewed and approved by your officers?

At least 2-3 weeks in-advance of our first meeting of every quarter, we'll announce the opening of our pitch form on our Discord server. Once opened, the form will be accessible from this page. All you need to is fill out and submit that form to submit your pitch to us.

Can I pitch a game with a production timeline longer than one academic quarter?

No. This decision was made due to poor team retention in previous years for projects that lasted for almost a year.

But if you feel strongly about your project, and you pitched it once before already, you may re-pitch your project and have its production timeline extended for another academic quarter. Approvals are not guaranteed.

What should I do if I need to leave in the middle of a game project I am part of?

If you need to step down from your role on a game project, you MUST notify your Team Lead and our Board's Project Manager. Failure to do so will jeopardize your ability to participate in our future game projects.

Where can I learn more about your club's game projects?

You can PM your questions to any of our officers on our Discord server. Alternatively, you can email your questions to us at